Specific supplements which are rich in vitamins especially B and B12 have a vital role in improving the condition of the brain. Noocube is rich in those kinds of supplements that are much useful to relieve stress. They help to boost the power of the brain. Even the ingredients like iodine and zinc contribute much to the normal form of brain cognition.

Important ingredients:

Ingredients like zinc which is present more in fish, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, cereals as well as dairy products promote healthier benefits to the brain.


Iodine is one of the most important elements that are essential to the brain. They are seen more in strawberries, tuna, seaweed, and cod which are much useful to keep the brain much active. When the supplements which are having loads of vitamins like B6, as well as B12, will help in overwhelming the healthier condition of the brain.

Some of the supplements of the brain boosters are made out of ingredients like extract of Shatavari root as well as the ashwagandha root and its leaf. This kind of ingredient will assure to keep the body in a healthier condition and relieve stress, emotional fatigue, and boost mood and energy. These ingredients are useful to control the preserved collagen and thereby much useful to control stress and stop gaining weight.

The liquid form of extract like eleuthero root seems to enhance the ability to overcome stress along with supporting metabolic efficiency and mental endurance keeping the mind in a relaxed way.