WHAT IS telehealth?
The term telehealth indicates the set of technologies and methods used to carry out remote diagnosis. In particular, telehealth is generally entrusted with the so-called: second opinion , that is, data from diagnostic tools are sent to one or more doctors who are physically in distant places Hawaii Telehealth Doctors.
It is important to underline that the aim of telehealth is not to replace traditional medicine but to support it. The ways in which telehealth develops are basically 4:
distant visit. The doctor attends the patient utilizing communication systems such the liketeleconsultation. Specialists are confronted without the presence of the patient on the diagnosis and treatment to be prescribedremote cooperation. In emergencies, a doctor helps another doctor or healthcare professional
telemonitoring. The parameters of patients with chronic diseases are monitored with the use of special devices (IoMT). In the latter case, simple apps can also be included that remind the patient to follow the prescribed treatment or warnings that lead to an improvement in lifestyle.
When we talk about the benefits of telehealth, we often refer to the economic impact it can have on the National Health Service. The economic factor is certainly one of the most important, given that the average age of the population is increasing as well as the number of patients suffering from chronic diseases. In these cases, telehealth can significantly reduce access to already crowded facilities and allow monitoring while staying at home.
There are other positive aspects related to telehealth to consider, such as the possibilities of:
breaking down the geographical and temporal barriers, allowing a homogeneous distribution of the healthcare offer on the territory
provide the tools to facilitate communication and interaction between doctors and between the doctor and the patient
reach a greater number of people, including those who live in remote areas or do not have adequate health facilities
assist the chronically ill or elderly directly at home
speed up bureaucratic-administrative procedures
facilitate the patient’s research and consultation with the doctor
simplify the telematic transmission of examinations and patient data
allow online viewing of exams without loss of image quality
eliminate long waiting lists
reduce access to already crowded facilities while saving costs.