Hair extensions are a popular technique for adding length and volume to hair, which is achieved by inserting clips or pieces of synthetic material at the scalp. The best part about this beauty innovation? They’re quite affordable. There are many benefits of using hair extensions in fort lauderdale, but there are also some potential risks — such as infections and the possibility of allergic reactions. This article will explain all of the ins-and-outs with hair extensions so that you can decide if it’s something that has real potential in your life.
Types of Hair Extensions
There are two primary types of hair extensions. The first is clip-in hair extensions, which are the fastest and easiest type to apply. They’re a great way to “test-drive” hair extensions before investing a lot of money in the second option: bonded or tape-in extensions. Tape in extensions are applied with a special glue that is applied directly to the scalp, and then each extension is individually attached by tiny, individual wefts of human hair. Clip in extensions are applied with tiny metal clips that are secured to the head. These extensions will naturally blend into your own hair without being too obvious, but they can be a bit trickier to put in and take out than tape-in extensions. For more information on these extensions, read the article entitled “Clip-In Hair Extensions.”
Hair Extension Alternatives
There are many alternatives to hair extensions that may be just as effective for achieving the look you want. The possibilities are almost endless, but they generally all require more time and effort to get the results you want. Here are a few examples of other methods that can give you similar results:
Hair extensions may be an option in your life, but if you do decide to go this route, don’t take it lightly. Make sure you do your research and get the appropriate training before you go and buy a bunch of hair extensions or have someone else put them in. You should also have them removed by a professional stylist. A good rule of thumb to abide by is that if it doesn’t seem right, it probably isn’t right. If you do decide to go this route, be responsible and take care of yourself.
How Does it Work?
The process of applying hair extensions is easily explained, yet complex and difficult to explain in only a few words. The process starts by your stylist washing and shaping your natural hair at the required level of length. Once this is complete, he or she will usually apply some kind of dye to help the extension blend in with your own hair. Next, the stylist will set up a room where you can apply the extensions — similar to wearing headgear except that no strap is used.