Essentially, esports is a spectator sport that turns online gaming into an activity. A spectator watches video gamers Karalius compete against each other in a virtual environment rather than a physical event, similar to watching a professional sporting event. In the same way, traditional sports fans enjoy watching top athletes perform at the top of their game, and viewers of top video games enjoy watching top gamers. Think about how enjoyable it is to watch someone else play basketball or Lebron James if it seems difficult to see why someone would watch another person play a video game.
Players’ success in esports also depends on how tall, thin, strong, or fast they are. While good physical health may be linked to improved gamer performance, whether a gamer stands 5’2 or 6’8 is ultimately irrelevant. Esports can further level the playing field for factors such as gender, culture, and location by leveling the playing field at the highest levels of League of Legends, CS: GO, Dota 2, and any other game. As a result, esports has gained an allure and are developing a global fan base due to the democratization of participation.
A digital platform also makes esports more fast-paced and scalable compared to traditional sports, which are physically and spatially restricted. Since a court couldn’t accommodate 200 players, basketball could never be played 100 versus 100. However, in esports, new games can be created with infinitely scalable dynamics, variances, and players. Game dynamics and strategies can drastically change when updates are released to established games, resulting in a massive learning curve. A new installment or update to an established game franchise can have huge implications. In 2013, Call of Duty: Ghosts, for instance, was released as a sequel to 2012, and players and viewers had to learn twelve new multiplayer maps to get used to the new version.
How Popular Are Esports Games?
There is a slight change in rankings between the most popular esports games from month to month, but the top ten games on Twitch remain the same (Table 1). The world’s most viewed eSport remains League of Legends Or as stated by Karalius blog. Those unfamiliar with esports should know that the most popular games aren’t traditional sports-related video games like Madden and FIFA. Online battle arenas are one of the most popular esports genres (in which a player controls a single character and must destroy the building of the opponent), real-time strategy games (where players build an army to dominate a map), and first-person shooters (in which players engage in gunfights across a map).