One of the most important parts of your vehicle is its transmission. And this includes the transmission control module (TCM). This is a vital component of the automatic transmission system. And instead of relying on mechanical control or hydraulic, the latest vehicles are now using a TCM. Usually, when the cars’ TCM goes bad, it does not really need to be replaced.
But instead, it will need transmission control module reset or repair. So how will you know that the TCM needs repair? Let’s go ahead and check out the known symptoms.
Check the Engine Warning Light
The engine light is the number one thing that you need to check to know the health of the TCM. when the Check Engine warning light is on in the dashboard, it can mean a lot of things. But if you notice that you have been having issues when you are shifting in addition to the Check Engine light, then it can be that you need to have the TCM module checked. Also, it can be a sign of other problems in the transmission system.
Issues With Shifting
An automatic transmission relies on the TCM to do the shifting. And when your TCM goes bad, then it will cause an unintended or incorrect shifting. And this kind of problem should not be taken lightly. For some, it can be an annoyance, but later on, it can cause serious accidents. It will become very dangerous to continue driving unless you already have to control module replaced or repaired.
Also, when you are increasing speed, your transmission should let you shift into higher gears without having any problems. And when this does not happen, the engine’s RPM will just keep on increasing instead of it dropping. Remember that each gear has a maximum speed that it can reach and when the TCM is faulty, you will have issues reaching your intended speed because it will not let you shift to a higher gear.
Problems with Downshifting
Another sign that you need to be aware of is when you start having problems downshifting. If you need to pass a slow-moving vehicle and your transmission will not let you shift into a lower gear when you press the gas pedal to accelerate, then that could be a problem. If you notice that your transmission module is bad, you will end up being in a higher gear as you stop. And when you need to start moving again, your vehicle can be in high gear and not ready to properly accelerate. And this can cause problems and will not let you move at all.
These are just some of the most common signs that you need to watch out for to know that you are having problems with the TCM. Some may also include poor fuel economy, delayed shifting, and when you are stuck in the same gear. So if you notice any of these signs, make sure that you have your TCM checked soon.